Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Licky Dog

Hi, I'm Macy. I wanted to share with you a little tutorial on how to enjoy summer delights. First, you must sit still in front of your human parent and STARE. Then, you must jump up on her leg, dig in your nails and really give her puppy dog eyes....all this while you have your eye on the Taco Bell Frutista Freeze cup. Drooling is optional. Then, once your human parent "gets a clue" you then proceed to the following steps below:

First, you lick the rim of the cup until the drooling is in full swing....

Then you give your best "pirate eye" stance while licking the leftover strawberry syrup in the cup. Ah, then the fun begins...

Just drown yourself with plastic while licking all the way to the bottom of the cup. Man, is life good! Closing your eyes will protect you from strawberry syrup getting in your eye. Please note: I now have strawberry syrup in my eyebrows. I am a funny dog!

Ahhhhhhhhh...now a full lick inside the cup one last time will ensure that your day is complete with the delights of summer! Enjoy! Now, you try it, too!

My mom has been busy, so I had to get on here and show you sumpin' cool. I am an adorable dog. Can't you tell by my pictures? I just had a bath recently and am super soft. Now, I just have to hide the evidence in my brows. Red goes nice with white I think.

Mom said she's sorry if you really wanted sumpin' crafty today. She's got her mojo hiding in the basement and will reveal all the surprises after Saturday. I did see that she planned a project with the colors Perfect Plum, Barely Banana, Certainly Celery, Wild Wasabi and Whisper White. I can't tell anymore or I'll never get any lickin' again! Bye now.

Uh...remember, I'm a cute dog. Maybe if you bring me chicken or baby carrots I'll tell more secrets. Shhh...


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