Friday, July 4, 2008


Here are a few highlights from tonight's fireworks in Ashland. Mom, Macy and I walked up by the elementary school to watch. We live close enough that you can see them in our backyard, but this year I wanted to get closer. It's maybe a half mile (if that) to where they do them. I haven't quite figured out how to set my camera for fireworks, but I did get a few good shots I wanted to share.

Yeah! Ooh! Ahh!

Turn your head sideways to the left to look at this one. Doesn't it look like a red heart in the center of the blue ring? Neat, huh? I love this one!

Here's my little sidekick as we waited for the show to begin. Earlier in the day, the hot air balloons came over the house. This is also the weekend for the Balloonfest and it's about the same distance in the opposite direction as the fireworks. Kevin said Macy was terrified by them as they were just above the treetops and the sound of the hot air rushing in them is loud! Poor kid came in and hid behind the vacuum cleaner that was sitting in the spare bedroom. Macy hates the vacuum! That's how he knows she was scared. Plus, she kept looking at the ceiling all night before I got home....she was looking for the scary monsters! I kept trying to get her outside so she'd see it was ok. Not until she figured out I meant "walk" did she agree. She was excited and fine after that. Her tail went from being "flat tire down" to "curled up happy" on her back. Eskies have those fun curly tails. You can see the poof of tail hair in the lower part of this picture. As I type this she's passed out on the floor. Poor kid got scared earlier, but she'll be fine.

Hope everyone had a relaxing day enjoying their freedom here in the good 'ol USA! I know I did! Thank you to all the men and women serving our country to ensure our freedom and safety!

Tomorrow is the Ballonfest events and the Balloon Glow in the evening. I hope to have highlights of that to share later this weekend.

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