Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Answer to Blog Candy...

Well, sorry no one guessed the correct answer to my blog candy question. Bummer, dude! I had asked what happened today between 8am-noon while I was at work. The answer is that Jack and Riley got to stay out of their kennels! All was well when Momma got home at noon. Good boys! They also got to stay out while I was at my dentist appointment. I finally put them in when I left to go with my mom. They only had two hours in there today until Kevin got home after 5pm. I am so proud of my mulch-eating, wood-chewing, fighting, biting, rowdy little men. LOL! I guess I'll try this every so often until they prove they are well behaved. Or, at least until they learn to hide any evidence of their mischief. Just tonight, Riley stole a pair of Kevin's undies and went flying up the basement steps doing his victory lap through the living room. What a nut! They crack me up. So, sorry no blog candy winner. Play again next time. :)

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