Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ice Ice Baby!

We got blasted with ice this week in Ohio. Ice can be so dangerous! It coated every single thing in this town. Thank goodness I never fell, but I about did three different times. Some places suffered through a power outage, some trees lost branches or even toppled over. Thank goodness our house had none of that! The worst we had here at home was the coating of ice on everything and Kevin using hot water to thaw the car door so I could get to work. (Yes, I lost my garage months ago so he could "tinker" in there.) Once I forgot about the slippery driveway or the inconvenience of chipping it off the windshield and stepped outside to look at the beauty of it all, I saw this: tiny little bird tracks on an ice and snow covered rock and the intricate pattern of ice on the dogwood branches. In the still of it all, I was in awe of God's beauty just a few steps away from our back door. Look around, forget about the worry of the world sometimes and take in the little gifts of your day. These things of beauty blessed me yesterday. I needed that! :)

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